Monday, November 17, 2008

Things That Make Your Day

This morning we got another box from Jonathan. I few days ago, we received Wii Fit in the mail. The Wii hadn't gotten here yet, that was a little sad. So today, we got a box and the Wii was in there! That made my morning, I'm super excited to play it and so are the kids. In the box, was also Anna's bday shirt from her Daddy. It is a super cute shirt. Anna loves the shirt. She put it on immediately and told me that she is going to wear until her Daddy comes home.

Also in the box were some juggling scarves. You know the ones that help you learn how to juggle. I haven't touched anything like that since about sixth grade. Anna immediately knew what they were and she asked me to show her how to do it. I agreed, it would at least make them laugh at my complete ineptitude at juggling. I got ready, made the kids get out of the way and I started. What do you know, I can juggle scarves!! I have honestly never been able to do it before. I remember that I never received a passing grade in elementary gym on juggling. That made me day.

Gagey has this new thing that when I leave the room and come back. He runs up to me gives me a big hug and says "I missed you!"

After we were sitting down for dinner. I made BBQ chicken and corn and peaches for dessert. Anna looks over at me and says "Thank you Momma" I looked at her and said why are you thanking me honey. She said "Thanks for making dinner Momma, you are a good cook. Thank you for cooking for me. I love you" I started crying. It is so nice when you are noticed for your efforts, more so when a 3yr old notices.

It has been 14 months and two days since Jonathan left for Iraq. We have less than one month until he is home. Everyday that it gets closer, the more nervous and excited I get. We have a meeting on Friday and they should hopefully be able to give us some more accurate dates. Wish us luck!!

One more thing, when I did the spell check before I posted, I had no spelling errors!!! Good for me!

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