Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The one award I'll get this year

OK, here's the deal. My friend Märia, passed on her blogging award to me. It's pretty straight and to the point. I'm fairly new to the whole blog scene and I'm pretty excited about what I can do with it.

In this, Märia had a great idea and skipped any answer that could be answered with the family. You know I love my family and I know I do, so its more about everything else I love and value.

SO....here I go.

Six Things I Value:

My Spot Bot
Picassa, without that our family wouldn't see the kids on an almost daily basis
My book collection
DVR, although I do love Dora, I really need some Adult TV
The commissary being literally 5 minutes away
My sanity, lord know I have a very tenuous hold on it

Six Things I Don’t Value
Ignorant people, that are afraid of change
Maintenance fees on paid off credit cards
Snow shovel shopping in November, or EVER!!!
The price of candles, its out of control really, and I have an addiction to them
People that speed in a family neighborhood
Time Changes

Six people I’m passing my blog award to
that's it, I don't have six people to pass it along too

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