Saturday, November 22, 2008


It has just been one of those days!!

Something, somewhere, is waking both me and the kids up at 3 every morning. I don't know what it is, but the last three days in a row we have been up. The first day was cool, we had an ice cream party. The next two nights have not been nearly as exciting. I''m exhausted and burnt out. So on top of that, Gagey is getting some more teeth. They keep coming up and going back down. Normally this doesn't bother me, I've already lived through 34 teeth coming up, that is an accurate number by the way. However, today was one of those days where nobody wanted to cooperate with me. Since Gagey was cranky and crying and throwing fits over everything, Anna wanted in on the fun too. I'm not ashamed to admit, I cried more than once. So this morning was a total wash and they are lucky they survived till this afternoon. So, I made a good compromise with them and this afternoon we watched Wall E and Tinkerbell in my room. I gave them ice cream and a healthy dose of Tylenol.

That definitely improved the outlook on the day. While they were distracted I spent an hour trying to get a file cabinet upstairs. This file cabinet was so heavy and the drawers would not come out. Eventually I got it upstairs and got stuff in it. What a damn ordeal, but I got it done. Who needs help when you have determination? OK course the answer is me, but that will come soon enough. Very soon as a matter of fact.

Why do I need help so badly you ask? I went outside tonight to talk to the mother in law. We were on the phone for maybe 10 minutes. It was a nice calm ten minutes, the kids were inside. Suddenly I hear a click on the door behind me. Crap, I had to let Fran go because I was almost positive the kids locked me outside. I slowly stood up and turned to face the door and try to open it. Try, by the way, was the key word. I was most definitely locked out. I walked around to the back door, yep that was locked too. Of course I didn't bring the keys, they were hanging up where they should. So, I went to the front door and knocked and rang the doorbell. Both Anna and Gagey came to the window. It took like 10 minutes to talk the kids through unlocking the door. I should have known better anyway.

But at the end of the day, we are one day closer to normalcy. Anna and Gagey still love me and I love them. Most importantly they are still alive to do this all over again tomorrow.

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