Thursday, November 13, 2008

Growing up

Yesterday was Anna's third birthday. Its amazing really. Three years ago, I cried because I finally got to hold her in my arms. Now, I cry because she won't let me hold her. Well I don't really cry, I may sniffle a few times. Anna is incredibly bright for her age. She's funny and understands abstract concepts and on top of that she is incredibly beautiful. Its so hard to remember baby Anna sometimes. Baby Anna was small and bald and didn't talk, what a turnaround now.

Here is what Anna has accomplished up to her third birthday.

1. She can count to 25 in English and 13 in Spanish.

2. She can sing several songs by memory, ABC's, twinkle twinkle, itsy bitsy, and my favorite is amazing grace.

3. Her favorite toy is still Brown Bear, she has added a second Brown Bear actually

4. She can wash her own hair. Turn the bath on and off when the water level is correct, get her own towel, and wash Gagey's hair as well

5. Anna is relatively self sufficient when it comes to snack time. She opens the fridge, pulls out what she wants, stabs it until it opens (or asks for my help when the stabbing doesn't work) gets her silverware, and then cleans up when she is done.

6. She loves zombie movies

7. Anna dresses herself. I let her wear whatever she wants, as long as it weather appropriate. She is pretty good at matching. OK, that's a lie, she looks like an adorable toddler that dresses herself with varying degrees of success.

8. She watches out for her little brother, she loves him. She mostly has his best interest in mind, but they do fight like brother and sister.

9. She wants an allowance

10. Anna is potty trained. She has no accidents in the day time at all. She can go all by herself and only needs reminders when she is really really playing. Night time isn't in her control yet, but she doesn't have a big enough bladder yet.

As to this point, Jonathan and I have succeeded. She is right on track and I may be biased but she is much smarter than all of her friends here. Congratulations Jonathan, you have done a great job, she will definitely be smarter than me and maybe as smart as you.

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