Friday, December 5, 2008

I Should Have Waited

Ahh, yes the immortal words, that are normally followed by, I should have known better. In this case, I should have in both accounts. The kids and I have been grocery shopping for ourselves, by ourselves, but quite a long time at this point. Every time is a different experience. Some days the kids are horrible and they just cry and cry for no reason. Other times, they are the most helpful babies ever.

Yesterday started out great. The kids found and picked out their banana's and apples and other fruits that they wanted. Sadly, that only lasted two aisles of them being great. I strapped them into the little car and turned my back to pick out some noodles. Thanks, to the Wonder Pets, my kids are all about teamwork. They unbuckled each other and they were off!! There were stocking carts everywhere, so the kids were weaving through them with expertise. I was moderately OK with that. Nobody else was in the aisle except for the one stocker and they were laughing and having fun. What I didn't count on was Anna's response to Gagey beating her down the aisle. She ran full speed and tackled him straight into a cart loaded with open boxes. My head dropped in defeat. I looked up and two full boxes of boxes of mac and cheese were all over the floor. Both Anna and Gagey stood up and said "Uh oh". They stood up and looked around at the hundred or so boxes and they just laughed and there was so crying from Gagey. He had, after all, knocked all of those over with just his head.

Of course the store came to an absolute standstill and everybody within three aisles came to see what the commotion was. Anna, Gagey and I start trying to fix this mess. I am bright bright red and then the stock man came and said it would be best if we just went along and continued our shopping. He may have said that because it was his job and he was being nice. Or, most likely, he saw both Anna and Gagey kicking the boxes further down and out of the aisle and just wanted us gone.

I could have waited to go to the store. Jonathan will be home soon. In fact so soon that I didn't have to go to the store yesterday. We could have made it until then with the amount of milk we had. But no, I wanted to be the good wife and have everything absolutely perfect. I hope he appreciates what it takes to have normal things like a stocked fridge and enough fruit to survive the apocalypse. He better appreciate, I think I'm going to have him take both kids to the store by himself and I'll just take a nap. That, my friend, is the ultimate reward.

(OK, maybe not the ultimate reward. Having him home is the top of my list, but you get the point)

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